Anchor Ladies

About Us

Women’s ministry at Anchor Bible Church revolves around God’s Word because it is the means God has given us for hope, help, and change! Real-life wisdom and help come when we study, pray, counsel, and come along side each other.

We have in-depth, inductive Bible studies crafted just for women, along with a vibrant discipleship ministry for one on one times. Not only that, we have other teaching, training, and fellowship events throughout the year, including our annual spring women’s conference and our special ministry to moms, called "Mommy Talks."

Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future. 
Proverbs 31:25

Our Current Bible Studies

Our Bible studies generally run from September to May, though you can join at any time. We know that our lives are changed through the living and life-transforming Word of God, which is why we're committed to studying the Bible itself, seeking to use materials that help us glean more deeply from the Scriptures. 

Hebrews (Part 2)

Starting September 5th
Beth Ferguson teaching
Study meets at Carol Davis' home
Thursdays | 7-9pm


2 Corinthians (Part 1)

Starting September 10th and 11th
Lisa Hughes teaching
Study meets at Tiffany Tallman's home
Tuesdays | 7-9pm, &
Wednesdays | 9:30-11:30am


Join our Women’s Discipleship Ministry

Based on Titus 2:3-5, our discipleship ministry is another avenue for encouragement and training for women. Discipleship provides a beautiful blend of women studying the Word together, praying together, and holding each other accountable in a one-on-one relationship. Sign-up anytime.