Meet the Elders

Dr. Jack Hughes
Lead Pastor/Teacher
Jack grew up in the mountains of Idaho and later met his wife, Lisa, while attending Boise State University. Jack and Lisa have been married since 1984, are parents of 3 grown children and now grandparents of three. Jack received his Masters of Divinity degree in expository preaching from The Master’s Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree in expository preaching from Westminster Theological Seminary in Escondido, CA. Jack is passionate about expository preaching, discipling men, and equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. Jack has over 30 years of pastoral experience, is a published author, and when time permits likes to work on his personal website aimed at helping equip preachers and Bible teachers at

Jacob Higdon
Associate Pastor
Jacob was born and raised in the Louisville area and has been a part of Anchor Bible Church since the summer of 2013. He is husband to Kari and together they have three children, Charity, Hope, and John. Jacob has a passion for expository preaching and is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in theology through the Master’s Seminary, Mentor Model program.
Anchor Bible Church | Louisville, KY

Lucas Henderson
Music Pastor
Lucas grew up in a valley of East Tennessee, and relocated to Louisville in 2010. He has served Anchor Bible Church in the music ministry and various roles since that time. The Lord has given him a great desire to serve and teach the local body through singing rich, doctrinally sound music, to let the Word of Christ richly dwell within us, and to teach and admonish one another through the singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with thankfulness in our hearts to God (Col. 3:16). Lucas is married to his wife Sam and has 6 wonderful children that God has entrusted to them.
Anchor Bible Church | Louisville, KY