Anchor Kids

About Us

In Anchor Kids, we seek to create a safe, nurturing environment where we teach children to know and grow in the good news of Jesus Christ, and to provide resources and support that help parents be the spiritual leaders for their children. Each week we have faithful volunteers to who come prepared to teach your children the Bible, evangelize them with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and lead them in prayer and worship that is appropriate for their age group. We consider it a privilege to partner with you in growing kids who will learn and love living out God’s Word!

Sunday Mornings

For Infants to Age 4:
We have childcare for infants through age 4 during the main service at 10:00am. Prior to the service, you can go to our children’s area (Room 201), where someone will help you get your children signed in to their classrooms. To keep our children safe, every child receives a name tag with their name and the contact information of the caretaker who signed them in. The child will only be signed out to that caretaker who signed them in.  If you prefer, we would welcome and encourage you to bring your children with you to the beginning of service for singing and worship. The pastor will give opportunity for parents to take their young children to class prior to the sermon.

For children age 5 and up:
We love having your children in our worship services! It’s a great opportunity to train your children in learning to listen to and love the preaching of God’s Word. One way we facilitate that is by encouraging families to stay together in the worship service from ages 5 and up.

“One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts.”
Psalm 145:4

How To Get Involved

If you are a church member of Anchor and would like to join what God is doing in Anchor Kids, please fill out our volunteer interest form below. Someone from our Anchor Kids leadership team will contact you with a Volunteer Application.


These resources are great tools for parents and Anchor Kids volunteers to learn about God’s plan for parenting and instructing children

Shepherding a Child’s Heart 
By Paul Tripp
Written for parents with children of any age, this insightful book provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child's heart into the paths of life. Shepherding a Child's Heart gives fresh biblical approaches to child rearing.

Instructing a Child’s Heart 
By Paul Tripp
This book seeks to guide parents in providing a consistent, persuasive, biblical framework for understanding the world God has made and their place in it.  The instruction you provide for your children not only informs their minds; it is directed to persuading their hearts of the wisdom and truthfulness of God’s ways.

Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family 
By Paul Tripp
This book seeks to present the big-picture view of God’s plan for parents. Parents need more than the latest parenting strategy; we need the rescuing grace of God—grace that has the power to show how we view everything we do as parents.

The Duties of Parents 
By JC Ryle
Ryle presents seventeen simple and yet profound responsibilities of Christian parents. In this short, impactful volume, Ryle urges parents to shepherd their children, love them, and present and represent Christ to them.

Peacemaking for Families 
By Ken Sande
This book guides parents in implementing basic conflict-resolution skills to Biblically manage conflict in the home. This book has significant implications for marriage and parenting, particularly regarding the topics of confession, forgiveness, and reconciliationAudio Lecture :

Audio Lecture: 
Paul Tripp, “Shepherding a Child’s Heart”
(Search the WTS archives for lectures titled “Shepherding” or “Child”)